At Westside Preschool in Medford, MA indoor and outdoor play allows children to learn about the world and themselves.

Our Approach

Our goal is to provide a nurturing environment and a positive school experience. Our carefully planned curriculum will meet the needs of every diverse learner.

Our activities and projects are designed to value the process more than the finished product, allowing children to be creative and inventive and one that will stimulate learning through exploration and encourage independence and curiosity. We, as early childhood professionals encourage children to reach their full potential, cognitively, socially, emotionally, and physically.

West Side preschool recognizes children will enter kindergarten with the entire social and pre­acaademic skills and dispositions necessary to succeed in school and life.

Through positive interactions our educators will provide the children with many opportunities to develop social skills, self­help skills and promote independence. Both indoor and outdoor play allows children to learn about the world and themselves. As children play, they learn new skills, coping mechanisms, the ability to test new ideas, as well as mastery of their bodies.

West Side Preschool recognizes children will enter kindergarten, in Medford or other towns, like Arlington and Winchester with the entire social and pre­acaademic skills and dispositions necessary to succeed in school and life.
At Westside Preschool in Medford, MA, positive interactions our educators will provide the children with many opportunities to develop social skills, self ­help skills and promote independence.
  • Promote Social and Interpersonal Skills

  • Develop social competency with peers and adults

  • Develop a positive self-concept, respect for other and their ideas.

  • Encourage each child to play and work well independently and in a group.

  • Provide opportunities for self-expression for each child through language, dramatics, art, music and play.

  • Stimulate imagination, develop an interest in learning and exploring

Progam Objectives

  • Provide opportunities for large and small motor development

  • Provide opportunities for interaction with a variety of materials that promote abstract and deductive reasoning.

  • Introduce the concept and use of numbers and letters through a variety of experiences.

  • Promote self-help and interpersonal skills.

  • Make a successful transition from home to school.

  • Feel comfortable and secure in school.

Our indoor classroom and outdoor play area are full of light, spacious, fun, safe, and interesting to children. Our environment welcomes children, engages them in a variety of activities. We have created a space for individual, small-group, and large-group activities, and supports the West Side Preschools’s philosophy and goals through exploration and encouragement of independence and curiosity.

The Classroom

A loving place to learn and grow!

A loving place to learn and grow! ♥